Snapchat Posting
Snapchat Posting
company / client
company / client
project type
project type
Product Design
Product Design
Mobile Design
Mobile Design
<10% of complaints on the spotlight platform were on uploading, compared to 30% earlier.
Positive growth in posting to spotlight from creators, and significantly fewer failed uploads!
<10% of complaints on the spotlight platform were on uploading, compared to 30% earlier.
Positive growth in posting to spotlight from creators, and significantly fewer failed uploads!
Product manager, 2 Engineers, User experience researcher, Data scientist.
Product manager, 2 Engineers, User experience researcher, Data scientist.

summary (tl;dr)
Creators are the lifeblood of Snapchat Spotlight—a vertical-scroll video-watching platform within the app—but they were dissatisfied with how they received notifications about their content status after posting. Through close collaboration with cross-functional peers and an empathetic design approach, I led a fast-paced design project to solve this creator challenge. My solution achieved positive company metrics while creating a more satisfied user base.
Creators are the lifeblood of Snapchat Spotlight—a vertical-scroll video-watching platform within the app—but they were dissatisfied with how they received notifications about their content status after posting. Through close collaboration with cross-functional peers and an empathetic design approach, I led a fast-paced design project to solve this creator challenge. My solution achieved positive company metrics while creating a more satisfied user base.
Creators are the lifeblood of Snapchat Spotlight—a vertical-scroll video-watching platform within the app—but they were dissatisfied with how they received notifications about their content status after posting. Through close collaboration with cross-functional peers and an empathetic design approach, I led a fast-paced design project to solve this creator challenge. My solution achieved positive company metrics while creating a more satisfied user base.
This project demonstrates how thoughtful design can deliver significant results from seemingly minor product challenges. During my quarter as a designer on the Snapchat Creator team, I crafted solutions to optimize the content flywheel. My work focused on improving both creator posting workflows and audience engagement features.
This project demonstrates how thoughtful design can deliver significant results from seemingly minor product challenges. During my quarter as a designer on the Snapchat Creator team, I crafted solutions to optimize the content flywheel. My work focused on improving both creator posting workflows and audience engagement features.
This project demonstrates how thoughtful design can deliver significant results from seemingly minor product challenges. During my quarter as a designer on the Snapchat Creator team, I crafted solutions to optimize the content flywheel. My work focused on improving both creator posting workflows and audience engagement features.
UX Research
“Users find it hard to know the uploading status of their video when posting to Spotlight”
“Users don’t easily know when their upload has failed so they can fix it early”
“Users don’t want to stop their in-app experience while waiting for a spotlight upload”
“Users find it hard to know the uploading status of their video when posting to Spotlight”
“Users don’t easily know when their upload has failed so they can fix it early”
“Users don’t want to stop their in-app experience while waiting for a spotlight upload”
data findings
“30% of complaints on the spotlight platform captured by surveys were on uploading status issues”
“30% of complaints on the spotlight platform captured by surveys were on uploading status issues”
product managers
“We should work closely and quickly on this, and get an optimal low-lift fix.”
“We should work closely and quickly on this, and get an optimal low-lift fix.”
The Problem
How might we help users know the status of their spotlight upload without negatively affecting their in-app experience?
How might we help users know the status of their spotlight upload without negatively affecting their in-app experience?
How might we help users know the status of their spotlight upload without negatively affecting their in-app experience?
The User
Snapchat Creators are the main users, but changes to this flow help casual content sharing from regular users.
Snapchat Creators are the main users, but changes to this flow help casual content sharing from regular users.
Snapchat Creators are the main users, but changes to this flow help casual content sharing from regular users.
The Goal
Give users the status of their spotlight videos while retaining their current in-app activity.
Give users the status of their spotlight videos while retaining their current in-app activity.
Give users the status of their spotlight videos while retaining their current in-app activity.
The Metrics
Reduced negative feedback in user surveys
increase in spotlight uploads
decrease in incomplete/failed uploads
Reduced negative feedback in user surveys
increase in spotlight uploads
decrease in incomplete/failed uploads
Reduced negative feedback in user surveys
increase in spotlight uploads
decrease in incomplete/failed uploads


Feedback & Results
<10% of complaints on the spotlight platform were on uploading, compared to 30% earlier.
Positive growth in posting to spotlight from creators, and significantly fewer failed uploads!
<10% of complaints on the spotlight platform were on uploading, compared to 30% earlier.
Positive growth in posting to spotlight from creators, and significantly fewer failed uploads!
<10% of complaints on the spotlight platform were on uploading, compared to 30% earlier.
Positive growth in posting to spotlight from creators, and significantly fewer failed uploads!